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Welcome to the website of former CIA case officer Ariel Avidar.

Following the tragic events of October 7th, Ariel Avidar was compelled to voice his concerns regarding areas of Israeli foreign policy, security, and intelligence, with a focus on the Israel-US relationship. See Purpose Statement for additional details. 

On this site you will find a repository of Ariel Avidar's audio, video, and written material. See the Interview and Podcast Library for general and topical audio clips. 

To join the ongoing discussion and analysis of current events and military/political affairs. Follow Ariel on Twitter (@ArielAvidar) and YouTube (@ArielAvidar).



Primary Audience: Israeli Leadership and Public

Secondary Audience: American Jews​

  1. Israel's subjugation to the US compromises Israel's sovereignty

  2. The perception of Israel by the American people has changed

  3. Israel lacks self-awareness of above and makes tone-deaf mistakes

  4. Israeli foreign policy must adapt accordingly

1. Sovereignty: As addressed in multiple interviews, the control of the US over Israel foreign and domestic policy has reached levels where Israeli's standing as a sovereign nation is arguable. Cases of Israeli reversal of a publicly-stated policy on account of American reaction (at times by mid-level bureaucrats) may be found in areas of defense, diplomacy, judicial reform, cabinet appointments, housing infrastructure, internal policing, banking, and more. American overreach may be linked to wartime decisions counter to Israel's security. Rhetoric by US officials match language used in calls for regime change in hostile nations.


2. Perception: ​America has changed, socially, culturally, and politically. Israelis (and American Jews), whether by denial or ignorance, have yet to internalize such changes. America today, and more so tomorrow, based on demographics, is hypersensitive to matters of race, equity, and oppression. Merits aside, a growing number of Americans view Israel as the White oppressor of a depressed Brown Arab populations.

3. Self-Awareness: As Israelis and American Jews lack the appropriate self-awareness of the above perception, they are tone-deaf in their pleas of victimhood and cries for sympathy. Israel (and the American Jew) is viewed, at best, as powerful, wealthy, and privileged. As such, acts of  weaponized rape and the taking of child hostages fall on deaf ears. Similarly, brutal religious terrorism is cast as freedom-fighting.

4. Policy: Israel requires a more robust international presence garnering respectful relationships from several world powers. Past and recent approaches of capitulation and appeasement are increasingly futile as the world perceives Israel with the disgust of an apartheid state. Moreover, such policies have emboldened foreign actors, including the US, Europe, the UN, enemy states, and terror organizations to test Israel's nonexistent red-lines. 

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Ariel Avidar is a former career CIA case officer. He also served in other US-government positions, including diplomacy, as well as working in the US defense industry.

Following government work, Ariel transitioned to the intelligence private sector, serving as an intelligence consultant in the fields of corporate intelligence and risk assessment. He also founded Ben David Consultants, LLC, providing creative intelligence solutions for individual clients.  

Having relocated his family to Israel, Ariel happily focused on family-life for a number of years. However, following the tragic events of 7 October, and particularly Israel's reaction thereto, Ariel was compelled to add his voice regarding the changing American-Israel landscape. 

Ariel originally hails from Brooklyn, NY. He holds a US Juris Doctorate.

Frequent Questions



Why do you lock some of your talks?

There are certain topics that are or have become very emotionally driven; people listen from the heart and not the mind. For example, judicial reform started as selection committees and judicial activism, but once one MK threatened to imprison the opposition, the topic became a national turf-war over religion.

Will you unlock them in the future?

Yes. Right now, its important that the topic remains focused on the US influence.

Why do you have a purpose statement, you're a person!?

I want to help keep myself and the listener focused on the reason I began commentating publicly.


Do you have any preferences for credit of your content?

Use it.  Improve it. Add graphics, add media, etc. This is a mission, not a profession. The more the message is out, the better. I don't need attribution. 

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Will we have elections soon?

FAQs is not a good place for predictions since they may not age well.  Nonetheless, no, I don't. Bibi is still savvy enough to piece his coalition together and threaten contrary ideologies against one another, ie- if you leave the coalition, you'll force me to cave to (Gantz or Ben Gvir).

Can we win the war?

I'm not sure "war" is even the right word. We have complete dominance over the ground, sea, and air. We also have complete dominance in military, intelligence, and resources. The question is our own will to do it. 

You ended a few of your talks on a positive note. Do we really have reason to be so positive?

Yes! Israel the state and Israel the people are more powerful today than the Jewish people have been in thousands of years! We have to learn, as a nation, how to harvest that power for unity and good. 

You were right, the north has intensified, where are the US aircraft carriers now?!

There's no vindication in this. Yes, its a crucial message, but I agonize whether to put these out. In the audience, there's bound to be a mother or brother of a dear lost soldier or victim. Does it help their grief to know that pandering to the US is responsible for the lack of intelligence on Gaza, the risk aversion in intelligence operations, the placing of more Israeli boots on the ground, the over reliance on the porous wall, and on and on?

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If your message is to Israelis, why don't do Hebrew-language interviews?

When discussing intricate matters of security, intelligence, influence, world affairs, etc., I want to be as clear as possible in my message. I cannot yet convey such a message in Hebrew.  However, Hebrew subtitles and website translations are coming soon.

Do you not speak about your job because of secrecy agreements?


I saw "Ariel" and "Ari" on some of your profiles. Is that some spy name?

No. In Hebrew it is Ariel. In English it is Ari. Its like Jon and Jonathan. I now live in Israel so I go by Ariel. (Plus, Ariel in the US is a mermaid's name.)

I love your message, how can I help?

Thanks to the assistance of some well-hearted volunteers, we plan to add media, language translations, and relevant graphics to future audio and video talks. Tech support is very welcome. Also, spread the message!

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